What I have always liked since I was a child and always more
05/12/2013 10:46
Oh I love travelling so much! I love going abroad for some months, as well as going there to visit a city and friends!
Each time it's a new enriching experience which I keep in my heart.
Travelling means interest in what is different. By travelling you can discover so many beautiful aspects: nature, art, culture, food, traditions and yoursfelf too.
You always want to discover more!

Some of the best experiences I can remeber are:
- My study holiday in California when I was 16 and 17. I lived with a wonderful american family and I also attended a beach lifeguard course. This was my first unforgettable travelling experience.
- My study holiday in Malta where I met many people from different countries.
- My Erasmus stay in Finland during University. There, I attended the business University, I visited many peculiar towns, also Santa Claus village and I met some foreign real friends I miss so much!
- My short and crazy trips to London to visit the city and go to my favourite dj's gigs
- All my holidays with friends. Some of my favourite ones were the trip to Sardinia, Italy with a group 15 good friends and the trip to Belgium, to the huge Tomorrowland music festival.
- My working summer in Ibiza. I decided to leave let's say 3/4 days before! So at first, it has not been easy... But I didn't give up and at the end, it turned to be an amazing summer! The key words were: sun, sea, electronic music, fun and initiative. I was working for some of the most famous clubs and music events agencies ever! I wish I could do something similar now!
One of the places I would really love to visit soon is New York! I can already see myself down the streets of this magical city.
And I would really like to see so many more places.....!