13/12/2013 10:56
It is not so easy to keep up a dream, especially if this dream includes unusual aspects which the average traditionalist, conservative, narrow minded person can't easily think of.
Some middle aged people still think to be living in the same reality they had when they were young... They don't fully understand that we are now always threatened by the big economic crisis and it is so difficult to choose what you want to do in your life. It is more correct to talk about what you CAN do in your life.
Moreover, we now live in a multicultural world; boundaries are not so delimited; the society has changed. Young people can see very different realities and they can compare them.
Then, there are other people thinking that you dream too much and you don't want to face the real world. They think you don't want to work, you are never satisfied with what you have around, you are immature and spoiled.
You can hear clichés like: " I would also like to be a kept person to the side of Brad Pitt/Megan Fox", "You always start from the lowest positions then you can improve..." "You only dream and you don't face reality", "You don't want to work since your parents sustain you".
It is not like that. Not in my case.
I tried very humble jobs just to earn some money; I applied to many different positions, but they never hired me; I tried to trust many people, but I have been disappointed. There are many persons, even close ones, who are actually just very selfish, sometimes also cruel and jelous and don't help you to follow your road. Other people hope the best for you trying to impose you their own ideas, without considering that they have different conceptions than you.
I had the luck to understand what could make me infinitely happy. Not everyone can understand this.
So many people just live their entire lives doing a job they hate, living with wives/husbands they don't love. Some people just want to feel confortable and protected. They want to be able to tell other traditionalist and conformist people they live a complete life in compliance with all the "unwritten rules" of a happy life. But are they really so happy?!
I think there are many hypocrites. I prefer to do the job I can, admitting I would love to find a different one, be single, have few true friends who fully understand me, cultivate my passions and hope for a better future as much in line with my dreams as is it possible.
I am not saying I am not going out of my house untill I find the perfect solutions, but I think I have the right to hope for a better future and I think people who love you or who should love you, should also understand you and maybe support you, instead of just making you feel silly or different.
I know dreams can't always be fulfilled. They can also bring failure, deception, sadness... But dreams don't really depend on your will, you are not able to control them; you just feel you like so much something and it can make you feel so much better!
Life is one, so it is probably worth trying.