15/01/2014 10:11
Thanks to all kinds of previuos experiences (jobs, internships, journeys, interests etc.) I gradually found out I would really enjoy living and working in a creative, exciting and dynamic environment.
My dream would be to work in the music industry or in the event field.
Some people could think in a simplistic way, supposing that I just want to have fun instead of working.
It is not like that. But, first of all, having fun while working is something really rare to achieve... Nevertheless, if that could be possible... why not?
Secondly, I simply have the intuition that music and events could represent a more advisable path for my future. Passion is very important in a job. It is the most powerful engine for a worker and my greateast passion is all for music, events and creativity.
Moreover, I studied and enjoyed marketing, I like web marketing and social media as well, so I think all that could be a good combination.
While searching for a possible ideal job, in the past I have experienced other different temporary jobs, while last summer I finally had the great chance to work for some of the biggest electronic music clubs and labels in Ibiza. I was working as official promoter and I had the practical confirmation that that one is my dream and ideal environment!
Near my little home town in norther Italy thare are not many simliar job offers and in Italy we're also facing a bigger economic crisis than some other coutries. I think a good destination for me could be London, one of of the biggest electronic music centres and a very international and cultural city.
During some job interviews the employer often say to young candidates that they don't have enough experience to be hired for the desired role. Well, I could aswer that "Experience should be used to build on what we have gone through in order to achieve even better results". "The unit of mesure of experience is
(+) RESULTS / TIME, positive results over time and the second ingredient is proactivity" (Dreams - The realizator od dreams, Davide Malaguti).
So, let's see where my dreams will lead me....
08/01/2014 12:04MUSIC
Music is so important to me! I can't even explain what it means to is like a parallel reality which can make me feel safer, better and which can make me dream.


- My first experience abroad: my three weeks study holiday in California when I was 16. I was hosted by an energic and special American family and I still have that place in my mind as a happy postcard. The following year, I came back there hosted by the same family and they also enrolled me in a lifeguard beach course which was amazing and so much fun!
- When I was 18/19 years old I went to Malta for one month and half for another study holiday (Yes, in that period my parents fortunately wanted me to well learn English!). I was hosted by a local family. At the beginning I was a little bit hesitant, but I met many foreign people and the experience was great.
- During the second year of University, I went to southern Finland as Erasmus student for 5 months. Thanks to this study programme, I met some real foreign friends who I am still missing a lot. I had the opportunity to see a very different reality, simpler and less based on appearence.
- I have such a nice memory of my summer trip to Sardinia, Italy with 15 good friends of mine. Some of them still are my best friends. It was an organized trip for students from all over Italy. I can say this was the most crazy and fun holiday ever, together with my trip to Ibiza with two good friends the following year.
- Last year, I went to London two or three times to visit the city and to go to my favourite dj's gigs. I went there on my own and I met some fun and nice people.
- Last summer I spent four months and a half in Ibiza. I decided to leave and to go adventuring some days before. I went there on my own and without many approvals. At the beginning it was not easy, since I had to find a job and a flat and I didn't know anyone. Ibiza is quite a "jungle" and there are also many people who can't wait to cheat on you. Anyway, after some time, it turned to be a so good decision! I found my self in the heart of my beloved electronic music, I could work for some of the best clubs and labels, while enjoying the sun, the sea and some nice new friends. I could go to many gigs with so many good and famous djs and artists and also my favourite dj often came to light up the crazy island. Thanks to this journey, I better understood that there are so many mean poeple around us who disguise themselves as respectable persons. On the contrary, there are many others who are sometimes discriminated, but who are actually very reliable and good people.
I still would like to visit so many places in the world!
But a place I would really love to visit is New York! I could already imagine myself walking down the streets of this magical place with huge buildings and a movie atmosphere. Skyscrapers, buildings, malls, iceskating, american sweets, american accent, people with eccentric looks...


08/01/2014 11:47
There are many famous people I admire who are very inspirational.
Here I chose four meaningful videos which tells about four particular and unique personalities. They are all very creative, determined and intuitive persons with different skills and with a huge different passion. They followed their own passion and they became appreciated all over the world.
Of course, there are so many inspiring and great personalities; famous ones as well as less famous and even many unfamous ones, but I think these four people well embody the qualities someone should have to make his dreams come true.
- James Zabiela is the perfect example of artist who extremely loves what he does. He is so passionate, sensitive, natural and modest. He is not so self confident, but he becomes happy and confident as soon as he starts playing, mixing or talking about music.
- Heat Ledger was a perfectionist. He was so emotional and deep. Sensitivity is fundamental for an artist, but it can also make you more vulnerable sometimes.
- Steve Jobs perfectly embodied determination, perseverance and strenght. He could tresure all his knowledge and he was also a great communicator and an intuitive person.
- Tim Burton felt like he was different and not fully understood during his childhood, but he managed to turn criticism into perceptiveness, originality, creativity and important life morals.